The Hindu
- Constitutional justice is non negotiable- B. Sudarshan Reddy and Kalpana Kannabiran
- An Asian engine driven by India and China- Sujan R Chinoy
- Demonetising the legal system won’t help- Rukmini s.
- The elements of engaged journalism- A.S.Panneerselvan
- Trampling on grassroots.
The Indian Express
- Millennial Angst- Sonal Gupta
- Small and Inclusive
- What JNU represents- Subhashis Banerjee
The Economic Times
- Reform of personal Income Tax welcome
- Shooting Itself In the Foot- Indrajit Hazra
- India’s Digital Safety Kit- Rohan Sachdev
- India is the second space age with one hand tied at the back- Nitin Pai
- All but lost in transmission: hope, trust and confidence- Rajrishi Singhal
Business Standard
- Reform by Notification: AK Bhattacharya
- Floccinaucinihilipilification or Panglossian?- Tamal Bandyopadhyay
- Het power tariff’s right, Please- Vivek Sharma
- Three dangerous myths- Mihir S Sharma
- Fixing GST
- Pricing Power