Editorial to Read for 6th July 2020

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  5. Editorial to Read for 6th July 2020


  1. Three messages: On Modi’s Leh visit
  2. Surely, even if slowly: On a COVID-19 vaccine
  3. India must not cast anchor in ‘Enrica Lexie’- Vivek Katju
  4. Re-enfranchise the forgotten voter- C.R Kesavan & M.V Rajeev Gowda
  5. How to Counter China- Atman M. Trivedi
  6. The search for unity in a moment of crisis- Najeeb Jung & Pradeep K Lahiri


  1. Hindu nationalism, White supremacism threaten to morally impoverish the two democracies- Ashutosh Varshney
  2. Must the rights framework that limits state excess be suspended in disaster? – Pratiksha Baxi & Navsharan Singh
  3. From Plate to Plough
  4. A lesson from Mao


  1. Hit the reset, it’s time to look at a pandemic budget
  2. A rise that worries
  3. It’s better to link insurance amount to your objective
  4. The uncomfortable question of who our worst-off are
  5. A debt recast should go along with bank reforms


  1. Early signals for the fisc
  2. A not-so-secret code for cities
  3. Hong Kong and the City of London are facing


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