Editorial to Read for 3rd July 2020

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  5. Editorial to Read for 3rd July 2020


  1. Core’s contraction
  2. Staying alert
  3. India’s torture culture needs to end now- Ajit Prakash Shah
  4. In an uncertain world, a seat at the global high table- T.P. Sreenivasan 


  1. Stand up, speak up
  2. California example
  3. Not a nation of immigration- Sanjib Baruah
  4. Keeping China at bay- Arjun Subramaniam
  5. A safety net, post COVID- C Rangarajan & S Mahendra Dev
  6. In the sun, and in the light-Arundhati Katju 


  1. The worst case that might save us from Covid
  2. Vote’s in the mail
  3. Lockdown influencers are taking over social media
  4. The challenge of overcoming an extended crisis in our economy
  5. It’s time for India to re-examine its economic policy framework 


  1. Priorities for the Covid-19 economy
  2. Be strategic rather than opportunistic
  3. The myth of India’s import dependence
  4. Public works: Lessons from history

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