Editorial to Read for 28th December 2019

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  5. Editorial to Read for 28th December 2019


The Hindu

  1. In CAA narrative, finding the judiciary’s lost voice-AjitPrakash Shah
  2. How not to counter economic stagnation – Arun Kumar
  3. Fuel to the fire
  4. Decisive shift

The Indian Express

  1. Ahimsa 2.0 – Christophe Jaffrelot
  2. Thou Shalt (Shifting burden of proof on citizens)
  3. Uncertain Still
  4. Up and Away (Mig-27)
  5. The difficulty of being honest – Ashok Lavasa
  6. Legality is not enough – KapilSibal
  7. The intolerance of liberals – PriyankaDeo
  8. Wars and Peace – Khaled Ahmed

Business Standard

  1. Who is Chandrashekhar Azad? – AditiPhadnis
  2. India’s dark road – Mihir Sharma
  3. A real Budget, please – T N Ninan
  4. Back to the inglorious past – Shekhar Gupta

Business Line

  1. With shared mobility, why own a car? – Surabhi Jain/ Amit Kumar Jain
  2. Students tend to resist political cynicism – NarendraPani
  3. Stop Internet shutdown.

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