Editorial to Read for 12th December 2019

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  5. Editorial to Read for 12th December 2019

The Hindu

  1. The ‘ Delhi Dogma’ fallacy of the right-Happymon Jacob
  2. The not-so bright idea of selling the family silver- Trilochan Sastry
  3. The politics of everyday life- Rajeev Bhargav
  4. Alas not based on religion- Srinivasan Ramani
  5. Testing Judicial reforms- Leah Varghese
  6. Strength in numbers
  7. Staggering Spread

The Indian Express

  1. The morning after CAB- Pratap Bhanu Mehta
  2. India’s RCEP Choice- Yogendra K Alagh
  3. Redefining the Republic- Christophe Jaffelot & Sharek Laliwala
  4. More equal care- Indu Bhushan

The Economic Times

  1. The new De-Hyphenation- Sanjaya Baru
  2. Rethink Social Security code-2019


  1. The multiple layers of prejudice that shape our response to rape- Salil Tripathi
  2. Don’t let the fear of flying stage return
  3. Countries should tax the money that their citizens make globally- Ricardo Hausmann
  4. The praadox of our rights to information and privacy- K Satish Kumar

Business Standard

  1. Sitting on piles of data- Nivedita Mookeri
  2. India’s credit crunch: Demand or Supply?- Shajid Z Chinoy
  3. The social aspect of ECG- UK Sinha & Saumya Sahai
  4. Why Neglect Export?- Shankar Acharya
  5. Data protection concerns
  6. Transferring fertiliser subsidy

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