Editorial to Read for 11th June 2020

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  5. Editorial to Read for 11th June 2020


  1. Look back in relief
  2. Ugly run
  3. An unravelling of the Group of Seven- Jayant Prasad
  4. Needed, a transfusion for public health care- Raj B. Singh
  5. Policing the police is not enough- R.K. Raghavan
  6. The fault in our drafts- V.V. Sivakumar & Chitranshul Sinha


  1. A slow turn
  2. Playing with future
  3. Where’s our George Floyd?- Suhas Palshikar


  1. An eye on fake new
  2. Difficulties taxpayers may face in estimating advance tax liability for June
  3. Why viewers are not missing their favourite shows on TV
  4. Our Parliament must get back to business

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