Daily Editorial Analysis for 20th February 2023

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  5. Daily Editorial Analysis for 20th February 2023

An effort to go green


Hyderabad as the Green City

  • Hyderabad was the recognized as the ‘World Green City’, 2022, by the International Association of Horticulture Producers (IAHP).
  • Hyderabad is the only city in the country to have been selected for this recognition in response to its commitment to growing and maintaining urban forestry through Haritha Haram Programme and Urban Forest Parks.
  • Hyderabad city further bagged the ‘Living Green for Economic Recovery and Inclusive Growth Award’.

What is Ku Haritha Hāram Programme? 

  • An afforestation programme called Telangana Ku Haritha Hāram (the green garland of Telangana) is the key green initiative of the Telangana government.
  • The programme was launched in 2015 and is one of the Telangana Flagship programmes to rejuvenate degraded forests, protecting these forests from threats such as smuggling, encroachment, fire and grazing.
  • Objective of the Programme: The main objective of Telangana Haritha Haaram scheme is to build Telangana State into a Green City which covers to at least one-third of the State’s geographical areas.
  • Urban Forest Parks (UFP): Under this initiative, forest blocks in and surrounding cities are turned into Urban Forest Parks (UFP).
  • These Urban Forest Parks will not only create a healthy living environment, but will also contribute to the creation of smart, clean, green, sustainable, and healthy communities throughout the state.

What is the importance of going green?

  • “Going green” means to pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles, which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations.

Tree cities of the world programme

  • It is an international effort to recognize cities and municipalities that are devoted to properly maintaining, managing, and celebrating their urban forests and trees.
  • Global leaders issued the Mantova Green Cities Challenge and a call for action during the 2018 International Conference on Urban Forests in Mantova, Italy, including joining the Tree Cities of the World initiative.
  • The programme aims to connect cities all over the world in a new network committed to sharing and implementing the most successful techniques to manage communal trees and forests.

Participating Organizations:

  • It is a collaboration between the Arbor Day Foundation and the FAO.
Arbor Day Foundation

  • John Rosenow created the Arbor Day Foundation, a non-profit conservation and education organization, in Nebraska, United States, in 1972.
  • It is the largest membership-based nonprofit organization committed to tree planting.
  • Its aim is to help others understand and use trees to solve many of the world’s problems, such as air quality, water quality, climate change, deforestation, poverty, and hunger.

What are the criteria for declaring a city green?

  • A city is graded on five standards:
  • Create Accountability,
  • Establish Regulations,
  • Know What You Have,
  • Allocate the Resources, and
  • Celebrate the achievements


  • “Hyderabad City is demonstrating leadership in management of its urban trees and is serving as part of the solution to many of the global issues.
  • This recognition is a testament to its sustained and institutional efforts to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees, development of urban and peri-urban forestry actions, projects, and strategic planning and commitment to building a healthy city.

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