Daily Current Affairs for 19th September 2022

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KRITAGYA- Hackathon 3.0 ICAR

GS Paper 3: Major Crops and Cropping Patterns

Important for

Prelims exam: Facts Related to KRITAGYA

Mains exam: Need of crop improvements

Why in news

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has hosted Hackathon 3.0 “KRITAGYA” to promote “speed breeding for crop improvement” in association with its National Agricultural Higher Education Project(NAHEP) and Crop Science Division.

Meaning of KRITAGYA

  • The definition of KRITAGYA is:
    • KRI for Krishi(Agriculture),
    • TA for Taknik(Technology) and
    • GYA for Gyan(Knowledge)
National Agricultural Higher Education Project(NAHEP)

NAHEP has been formulated by ICAR for five years starting from 2017-18.

It is a joint project of the World Bank and the Government of India proposed on a 50:50 cost sharing basis, implemented at the Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi.


  • The project aims to develop resources and mechanism for supporting infrastructure, faculty and student advancement,
  • It will provide means for better governance and management of agricultural universities, so that a holistic model can be developed to raise the standard of the current agricultural education system that provides more jobs and is entrepreneurship oriented and on par with the global agriculture education standards.


  • This initiative aims to help the crop sector achieve the desired immediate results by fostering employability, entrepreneurship, innovation, and problem-solving skills.
  • This initiative will encourage the nation to adopt more technologically advanced solutions.
  • It will present potential solutions to very specific problems with crop improvement, for instance
    • less expensive and more efficient materials for rapid generation advancement facilities,
    • accurate and convenient diagnostic tools for illnesses,
    • insect pests,
    • produce quality,
    • digital breeding platforms

What is the Need of Speed breeding

  • Global food security has become a major concern due to the expanding human population and the changing environment.
  • Current rate of improvement of several important crops is insufficient to meet future demand.
  • Speed breeding is currently being used widely as a solution in this direction to shorten generation times and allow for multiple generations of crops per year.
  • Researchers are now using an integrated strategy that combines speed breeding with contemporary plant breeding and genetic engineering technologies to increase breeding efficiency.
  • By reducing the breeding cycles for establishing nutritional security and sustainable agriculture, speed breeding is a viable technology that accelerates the goals of food and industrial crop improvement.
Speed breeding

Speed breeding is a methodology that allows plant breeders to improve crop production by adjusting temperature, light duration, and intensity to boost plant development.

It uses an artificial source of light, which is kept on continuously, to activate the photosynthetic process, which leads to growth and reproduction much earlier than normal.

India’s first Swachh Sujal Pradesh

GS Paper 3: Conservation, Environmental pollution and degradation

Important for

Prelims exam: Swachh Sujal Pradesh

Mains exam: Significance of cleaning in overall development

Why in news

Ministry of Jal Shakti has declared Andaman and Nicobar Islands as India’s first Swachh Sujal Pradesh.

What does that status means

All villages on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have received the Har Ghar Jal certification and have been verified as ODF plus open defecation free.

  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands was declared to have achieved 100% coverage of rural households with tap water connection.
  • It became the third State/UT in the country to achieve 100% coverage of rural households with tap water supply after Goa and Telangana.

Components of Sujal and Swachh Pradesh/State

There are namely three important components of Sujal and Swachh state:

  • Safe and secure drinking water supply and management;
  • ODF Plus: ODF Sustainability and Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) and
  • Cross-cutting interventions like convergence, IEC(Information, Education and Communication), action planning, etc

How A&N Island achieved this feat

  • Andaman & Nicobar Islands had presented their Jal Jeevan Mission Annual Action Plan for the year 2021-22 charting the plan of action to ensure that every rural home gets tap connection on a regular and long-term basis without any disruption.
  • Focus was on improving its
    • Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance (WQMS)
    • IoT-based sensors for measuring and monitoring water supply schemes
    • grey water management, and
    • Information, Education & Communication (IEC) activities

to educate people about various facets of water management like water conservation, wise water use, wastewater treatment, and re-use, etc.

  • The UT was urged to place an emphasis on managing grey water through soak pits and reusing water for horticultural, agrarian, and forestry uses.
  • The UT staged street plays, or nukkad nataks, in 14 locations throughout the South and Middle Andaman Islands in 2020–2021 to raise awareness and promote public participation.
  • The UT administration sponsored poster and video-making contests and installed hoardings and banners to raise awareness among school-age children.
Jal Jeevan mission

Since August 2019, Government of India in partnership with States, is implementing Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) – Har Ghar Jal to make provision of tap water supply to every rural household by 2024.


Jal Jeevan mission has been rolled out with the vision that Every rural household has drinking water supply in adequate quantity of prescribed quality on regular and long-term basis at affordable service delivery charges leading to improvement in living standards of rural communities.


Jal Jeevan Mission is to assist, empower and facilitate:

  • States/UTs in planning of participatory rural water supply strategy for ensuring potable drinking water security on a long-term basis to every rural household and public institution, viz. Gram Panchayat(GP) building, School, Anganwadi centre, Health centre, wellness centres, etc.
  • States/ UTs for creation of water supply infrastructure so that every rural household has Functional Tap Connection (FHTC) by 2024 and water in adequate quantity of prescribed quality is made available on a regular basis.
  • States/ UTs to plan for their drinking water security
  • GPs/ rural communities to plan, implement, manage, own, operate and maintain their own in-village water supply systems
  • States/ UTs to develop robust institutions having focus on service delivery and financial sustainability of the sector by promoting utility approach
  • Capacity building of the stakeholders and create awareness in community on significance of water for improvement in quality of life
  • In making provision and mobilization of financial assistance to States/ UTs for implementation of the mission.


The broad objectives of the Mission are:

  • To provide FHTC to every rural household.
  • To prioritise provision of FHTCs in quality affected areas, villages in drought prone and desert areas, Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) villages, etc.
  • To provide functional tap connection to Schools, Anganwadi centres, GP buildings, Health centres, wellness centres and community buildings
  • To monitor functionality of tap connections.
  • To promote and ensure voluntary ownership among local community by way of contribution in cash, kind and/ or labour and voluntary labour (shramdaan)
  • To assist in ensuring sustainability of water supply system, i.e. water source, water supply infrastructure, and funds for regular O&M
  • To empower and develop human resources in the sector such that the demands of construction, plumbing, electrical, water quality management, water treatment, catchment protection, O&M, etc. are taken care of in the short and long term.
  • To bring awareness on various aspects and significance of safe drinking water and involvement of stakeholders in a manner that makes water everyone’s business.

Components under JJM

The following components are supported under JJM

  • Efforts should be made to source funds from different sources/ programmes and convergence is the key;
  • Development of in-village piped water supply infrastructure to provide tap water connection to every rural household;
  • Development of reliable drinking water sources and/ or augmentation of existing sources to provide long-term sustainability of water supply system;
  • Wherever necessary, bulk water transfer, treatment plants and distribution network to cater to every rural household;
  • Technological interventions for removal of contaminants where water quality is an issue;
  • Retrofitting of completed and ongoing schemes to provide FHTCs at minimum service level of 55 lpcd;
  • Greywater management;
  • Support activities, i.e. IEC, HRD, training, development of utilities, water quality laboratories, water quality testing & surveillance, R&D, knowledge centre, capacity building of communities, etc;
  • Any other unforeseen challenges/ issues emerging due to natural disasters/ calamities which affect the goal of FHTC to every household by 2024, as per guidelines of the Ministry of Finance on Flexi Funds.

National Logistics Policy(NLP), 2022

GS Paper 3: Mobilization of resources, Growth, Development and Infrastructure

Important for

Prelims exam: Provision of NLP

Mains exam: Impacts of NLP on Indian economy, Challenges of logistic sector in India

Why in news

The Prime Minister has launched the National Logistics Policy (NLP).

Need of the NLP

  • The logistics cost in India is high as compared to other developed economies.
    • If India is to become a five trillion dollar economy, it is imperative to reduce the logistics cost in the country for improving the competitiveness of Indian goods both in domestic as well as export markets.
    • It is a widely accepted fact that reduced logistics cost improves efficiency cutting across various sectors of the economy, encouraging value addition and enterprise.
    • At present the logistics cost in India is about 14%, which is high as compared to other developed economies.
  • The Indian logistics sector provides livelihood to more than 2.2 crore people and improving the sector will facilitate a 10 % decrease in indirect logistics cost leading to the growth of 5 to 8% in exports.
  • It is estimated that the worth of the Indian logistics market will be around 215 billion dollars in the next two years compared to about 160 billion dollars at present.
  • Logistics constitutes the core of almost all sectors of the economy, and a strong and affordable logistic infrastructure will help the economy to meet the target of a 5 trillion dollar economy.

Aim of NLP

  • The policy aims to improve competitiveness of Indian goods, enhancing economic growth and increasing employment opportunities.
  • It aims to develop world class modern infrastructure through integration of all stakeholders in holistic planning and implementation so that efficiency and synergy is achieved in the execution of the project.
  • The goal is to trim the country’s logistics costs from as much as 13-14 percent of its GDP to a single digit over the next few years.
  • The policy aims to ensure seamless movement of goods and services across the country and cut elevated logistics costs, often considered the biggest structural bottleneck for both external and internal trade in India.

National logistic policy 2022

NLP is the government’s big step in improving both, Ease of Doing Business and the Ease of Living. It is a comprehensive effort to address issues of high cost and inefficiency by laying down an overarching interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral and multi-jurisdictional framework for the development of the entire logistics ecosystem.

  • The new logistics policy has four critical features:
    • Integration of Digital System(IDS)– Under the IDS, 30 different systems of seven departments are integrated; these include data of the road transport, railways, customs, aviation and commerce departments.
    • Unified Logistics Interface Platform(ULIP)– Unified Logistics Interface Platform ULIP will bring all the digital services related to the transportation sector into a single portal, freeing the exporters from a host of very long and cumbersome processes.
    • Ease of Logistics (ELOG)- Through this portal, industry associations can directly take up any such matters which are causing problems in their operations and performance with the government agencies.

A complete system has also been put in place for the speedy resolution of such cases”

    • System Improvement Group (SIG)- it would monitor all projects related to logistics on a regular basis and ensure the removal of hurdles faced in the sector.

NOTE: To know more about the logistic sector in India refer DNA of 15th September.

International Solar Alliance(ISA) Agreement

GS Paper 3: Conservation, Environmental pollution and degradation

Important for

Prelims exam: Facts related ISA

Mains exam: Significance of the ISA

Why in news

USA has ratified India-led International Solar Alliance Agreement (ISA). USA was the 101st country to join the ISA during COP 26 climate summit in Glasgow.

About the ISA

  • The ISA was conceived as a joint effort by India and France to mobilize efforts against climate change through deployment of solar energy solutions.
  • It was conceptualised on the sidelines of the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris in 2015.
  • With the amendment of its Framework Agreement in 2020, all member states of the United Nations are now eligible to join the ISA.
  • At present, 107 countries are signatories to the ISA Framework Agreement, of which 87 countries have submitted the necessary instruments of ratification to become full members of the ISA.
  • ISA aims to promote solar energy, it has the global mandate to catalyse solar growth by helping reduce the cost of financing and technology.
  • The ISA is guided by its ‘Towards 1000’ strategy which aims to mobilise USD 1,000 billion of investments in solar energy solutions by 2030, while delivering energy access to 1,000 million people using clean energy solutions and resulting in installation of 1,000 GW of solar energy capacity.
    • This would help mitigate global solar emissions to the tune of 1,000 million tonnes of CO2 every year.
  • Its Headquarter is in Gurugram, India.

Role of ISA

  • The prime objective of the alliance is to work for efficient consumption of solar power to decrease the dependence on fossil fuels.
  • It focuses on solar power utilisation throughout the global community.
  • ISA facilitates energy access, ensures energy security, and drives energy transition in its member countries.
  • It helps member countries to develop a low-carbon growth approach.
  • It particularly focuses on providing solar energy impact in countries categorised as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
  • ISA also indicates the measures brought up by the developing nations towards their concern about climate change and to switch to a low-carbon growth path.
One Sun One World One Grid (OSOWOG)

  • The One Sun One World One Grid Declaration (OSOWOG) was jointly released by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the COP26 Climate Meet in Glasgow. It was proposed by PM Modi during the first assembly of the International Solar Alliance in 2018.
  • It is a key component of ISA, which aims to facilitate global cooperation, building a global ecosystem of interconnected renewable energy resources (mainly solar energy) that can be seamlessly shared.
  • It is a transnational electricity grid supplying power all over the world.
  • The main objective is to provide solar power to around 140 countries through a common grid.
  • The concept behind the OSOWOG is ‘The Sun Never Sets’ and is a constant at some geographical location, globally, at any given point of time.
  • Realising the vision of OSOWOG through interconnected green grids can be transformational, enabling all nations to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement to prevent dangerous climate change.

India’s Solar energy targets

  • India has pledged a target of installing 175 GW of renewable energy of which 100 GW will be solar energy by 2022 and reduction in emission intensity by 33–35% by 2030 to let solar energy reach the most unconnected villages and communities and also towards creating a clean planet.
  • Solar power projects totalling 57,705.70 MW, including over 6,000 MW in rooftop solar installations, have been installed in India as of June, 2022.

Place in news

Chukchi Sea

Why in news

Russia has conducted military drills, named Umka-2022, in the Chukchi Sea, an eastern stretch of the Arctic Ocean that separates Russia from the U.S. state of Alaska.

About Chukchi Sea

  • Chukchi Sea is a marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean.
  • It is bounded on the west by the Long Strait, off Wrangel Island, and in the east by Point Barrow, Alaska, beyond which lies the Beaufort Sea.
  • The Bering Strait forms its southernmost limit and connects it to the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

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